Paul McCARL - Stone Sculptures

Melded Spirits
Dimensions 6.5 x 4.5 x 3 inches, weight 2 lbs
This small sculpture is created from BC Jade, a stone that is harder than steel and was obtained near Cache Creek, British Columbia. This particular creation is a transitional and spiritual north coast sculpture and shows a blending of spirits and the sharing of a common goal. The piece represents a west coast whale carrying a small bear on its back. A north coast human figure rises above the bear as they all face in the same direction, their journey's pathway being lit by the light of a new moon. Suggested Retail Price $600.00
Dimensions 6.5 x 4.5 x 3 inches, weight 2 lbs
This small sculpture is created from BC Jade, a stone that is harder than steel and was obtained near Cache Creek, British Columbia. This particular creation is a transitional and spiritual north coast sculpture and shows a blending of spirits and the sharing of a common goal. The piece represents a west coast whale carrying a small bear on its back. A north coast human figure rises above the bear as they all face in the same direction, their journey's pathway being lit by the light of a new moon. Suggested Retail Price $600.00

Dimensions 8.5 x 3.5 x 2 inches, weight 2 lbs
This interesting small jade carving has been created from BC Jade and was obtained near Cache Creek, British Columbia. This natural white and green jade stone is well suited to the sculpture. The piece represents the endless struggles, a re-birthing through the life and death issues that affect everything that surrounds us on a daily basis. In this particular case mankind's fruitful lifestyle is about to end and one mammals loss is about to be another's gain or success. Life cycles are seldom fully understood. Suggested Retail Price $850.00
Dimensions 8.5 x 3.5 x 2 inches, weight 2 lbs
This interesting small jade carving has been created from BC Jade and was obtained near Cache Creek, British Columbia. This natural white and green jade stone is well suited to the sculpture. The piece represents the endless struggles, a re-birthing through the life and death issues that affect everything that surrounds us on a daily basis. In this particular case mankind's fruitful lifestyle is about to end and one mammals loss is about to be another's gain or success. Life cycles are seldom fully understood. Suggested Retail Price $850.00

Musk Ox
Dimensions 11 x 5 x 7 inches, weight 20 lbs
This Coquihalla Jade stone sculpture was created from a rock that with the passage of time, mother nature had washed down from a mountainside to the edge of the Coquihalla river near Hope, British Columbia. Although the stone appears to have been somewhat weathered during its voyage, the integrity and quality of the stone is secure and the natural fishers and mottled appearance enhance the sculptures true character, charm and the glass like appearance. Although Musk Ox are not common to this area, they are a part of the Canadian Wilderness and share in our heritage. Suggested Retail Price $1050.00
Dimensions 11 x 5 x 7 inches, weight 20 lbs
This Coquihalla Jade stone sculpture was created from a rock that with the passage of time, mother nature had washed down from a mountainside to the edge of the Coquihalla river near Hope, British Columbia. Although the stone appears to have been somewhat weathered during its voyage, the integrity and quality of the stone is secure and the natural fishers and mottled appearance enhance the sculptures true character, charm and the glass like appearance. Although Musk Ox are not common to this area, they are a part of the Canadian Wilderness and share in our heritage. Suggested Retail Price $1050.00
Sunlight and Salmon
Dimensions 18 x 9 x 7 inches, weight 31 lbs.
This Coquihalla jade carving of a Chinook Salmon seems to be totally alive in this stone. The piece appears to be liquid, as if being made of mercury or that of some other molten metal. The soft as silk surface and highly polished serpentine stone screams out to be touched and why not, the hardness of the stone makes it resistant to scratching, staining or marking unless attacked by hard metal objects. Your fingers and palms are invited to engage the pleasure of this extremely hard yet soft to the touch stone and your gold, platinum or silver jewelry can not scratch or mark the sculpture. The stone has been water polished with diamond hand pads and it glistens in all kinds of light. A mineral inconsistency in the stones composure has naturally created a ray or band of what appears to be sunlight shimmering around the half mark of the sculpture. Chinook Salmon are common to this area and they bring life to the river, its tributaries and all the creatures that rely on the salmon for sustenance.. mankind, bears and the magnificent birds of prey such as the bald eagles.
Suggested Retail Price $3500.00
Dimensions 18 x 9 x 7 inches, weight 31 lbs.
This Coquihalla jade carving of a Chinook Salmon seems to be totally alive in this stone. The piece appears to be liquid, as if being made of mercury or that of some other molten metal. The soft as silk surface and highly polished serpentine stone screams out to be touched and why not, the hardness of the stone makes it resistant to scratching, staining or marking unless attacked by hard metal objects. Your fingers and palms are invited to engage the pleasure of this extremely hard yet soft to the touch stone and your gold, platinum or silver jewelry can not scratch or mark the sculpture. The stone has been water polished with diamond hand pads and it glistens in all kinds of light. A mineral inconsistency in the stones composure has naturally created a ray or band of what appears to be sunlight shimmering around the half mark of the sculpture. Chinook Salmon are common to this area and they bring life to the river, its tributaries and all the creatures that rely on the salmon for sustenance.. mankind, bears and the magnificent birds of prey such as the bald eagles.
Suggested Retail Price $3500.00
Griz Cub
Coquihalla Jade bear cub
Dimensions are 18.5 x 10.5 x 5, weight 42 lbs
This gentle stone sculpture has soft flowing lines to catch the light in all directions. It has been polished so that it looks and feels like silky smooth glass. The natural mineral composition of the stone has several inclusions of mixed consistency with dark and light green textures. This bear cub is cute and cuddly and it is impossible to resist feeling the surface of the rock with your fingertips. This bear loves to be fondled and as with all three dimensional art pieces, they need to be displayed in an area where they can be the center piece and frequently turned or moved on a monthly basis so as to expose another view of their magnificence for you to admire and enjoy. Suggested Retail Price $2750.00
Coquihalla Jade bear cub
Dimensions are 18.5 x 10.5 x 5, weight 42 lbs
This gentle stone sculpture has soft flowing lines to catch the light in all directions. It has been polished so that it looks and feels like silky smooth glass. The natural mineral composition of the stone has several inclusions of mixed consistency with dark and light green textures. This bear cub is cute and cuddly and it is impossible to resist feeling the surface of the rock with your fingertips. This bear loves to be fondled and as with all three dimensional art pieces, they need to be displayed in an area where they can be the center piece and frequently turned or moved on a monthly basis so as to expose another view of their magnificence for you to admire and enjoy. Suggested Retail Price $2750.00
Orca Migration
Pod of Killer Whales in Coquihalla Jade (Serpentine),
Dimensions 29 x 16 x 4.5 inches, weight 50 lbs.
Suggested Retail Price $3600.00
Please read about this carving and the inspiration and development for these "signature pieces".
Have you ever been to the ocean and watched as a pod of killer whales passes by your location be it from the safely of a boat or along the shoreline. The unmistakable tall dorsal fins carving through the water as a whale swims gracefully along hunting for food or playing within its family unit is a sight to be cherish for a lifetime. Having been witness to numerous encounters with these magnificent mammals in their natural environment, I thought why not try to duplicate the beauty and create a similar vision out of a piece of jade. Witnessing this activity has always been a humbling experience and it has provided the inspiration for my signature pieces of, “Killer Whales” which are carved out of large stone boulders of hand selected Coquihalla Jade. Over the past several decades and while associated with several local Fine Art Galleries, I have become known as the original creator of these signature stone sculptures and have completed over 30 of them in various shapes and sizes.
Each stone carving adventure begins with a trip into the mountains where I personally seek out a boulder from along a rivers edge. I look for the perfect stone one which Mother Nature has eroded from the mountainside and with the passing of time pushed into a stream and washed along the river bottom to a location where I can find it. Many of the smaller stones appear as if to be covered with a cement like mortar and it not until after some scraping or chipping with a diamond file or rock hammer, that the stones identity and inner beauty is revealed. The rough stock, stone collection takes about an hour to find one suitable rock for carving. Some of the boulders weigh up to 250 pounds and each is examined carefully for defects or cracks before it is muscled out to the truck and taken back to the carving studio, where it will undergo its transformation.
The process involved to make the sculpture requires that a flat base be created so the bottom is either cut off with a large diamond saw or it is ground flat with the aid of diamond cup grinding discs. Next a lumber crayon marks out the rough shape and location for the whales some will be swimming, breaching or perhaps just have a portion of their tail protruding from what will be the waters surface. The stone is then cut into strips, fretted and then chipped away with hammer and chisel to relief cut the whales from the block of stone. At first the relief cuttings look like a couple of tug boats but after many hours of grinding and shaping they take on the shape of whales swimming in the ocean. This rough cutting and grinding takes about a third of the total carving process. The whales are later hand filed and sanded with diamond hand tools and sanding pads until they glisten in the light and feel soft as silk. Each piece is sanded and water polished with diamond hand pads varying from 70 to 3000 grit which polishes the surface to a high luster glossy finish which will last forever and one which encourages appreciation through the various senses of seeing and touching. The soft silky hard as steel finish of each sculpture encourages a fondling of the surface which is resistant to scratching or damage unless exposed to very hard metals or diamonds. The final sculpture is a work of art and will last forever such as other archaeological treasures that have been collected by mankind throughout history.
Pod of Killer Whales in Coquihalla Jade (Serpentine),
Dimensions 29 x 16 x 4.5 inches, weight 50 lbs.
Suggested Retail Price $3600.00
Please read about this carving and the inspiration and development for these "signature pieces".
Have you ever been to the ocean and watched as a pod of killer whales passes by your location be it from the safely of a boat or along the shoreline. The unmistakable tall dorsal fins carving through the water as a whale swims gracefully along hunting for food or playing within its family unit is a sight to be cherish for a lifetime. Having been witness to numerous encounters with these magnificent mammals in their natural environment, I thought why not try to duplicate the beauty and create a similar vision out of a piece of jade. Witnessing this activity has always been a humbling experience and it has provided the inspiration for my signature pieces of, “Killer Whales” which are carved out of large stone boulders of hand selected Coquihalla Jade. Over the past several decades and while associated with several local Fine Art Galleries, I have become known as the original creator of these signature stone sculptures and have completed over 30 of them in various shapes and sizes.
Each stone carving adventure begins with a trip into the mountains where I personally seek out a boulder from along a rivers edge. I look for the perfect stone one which Mother Nature has eroded from the mountainside and with the passing of time pushed into a stream and washed along the river bottom to a location where I can find it. Many of the smaller stones appear as if to be covered with a cement like mortar and it not until after some scraping or chipping with a diamond file or rock hammer, that the stones identity and inner beauty is revealed. The rough stock, stone collection takes about an hour to find one suitable rock for carving. Some of the boulders weigh up to 250 pounds and each is examined carefully for defects or cracks before it is muscled out to the truck and taken back to the carving studio, where it will undergo its transformation.
The process involved to make the sculpture requires that a flat base be created so the bottom is either cut off with a large diamond saw or it is ground flat with the aid of diamond cup grinding discs. Next a lumber crayon marks out the rough shape and location for the whales some will be swimming, breaching or perhaps just have a portion of their tail protruding from what will be the waters surface. The stone is then cut into strips, fretted and then chipped away with hammer and chisel to relief cut the whales from the block of stone. At first the relief cuttings look like a couple of tug boats but after many hours of grinding and shaping they take on the shape of whales swimming in the ocean. This rough cutting and grinding takes about a third of the total carving process. The whales are later hand filed and sanded with diamond hand tools and sanding pads until they glisten in the light and feel soft as silk. Each piece is sanded and water polished with diamond hand pads varying from 70 to 3000 grit which polishes the surface to a high luster glossy finish which will last forever and one which encourages appreciation through the various senses of seeing and touching. The soft silky hard as steel finish of each sculpture encourages a fondling of the surface which is resistant to scratching or damage unless exposed to very hard metals or diamonds. The final sculpture is a work of art and will last forever such as other archaeological treasures that have been collected by mankind throughout history.

Coquihalla Jade Bear (Serpentine) in the sitting position.
Dimensions 9 x 9 x 8 inches, weight 28 lbs.
Suggested Retail Price $1700.00
This beautiful bear is surprisingly heavy or maybe it is just that it looks so soft and cuddly that when you pick it up, it catches you off guard with its actual weight. The sculpture has been carved from a river boulder that was collected near Hope, British Columbia and now that it has undergone its transformation depending on the light or room conditions it looks almost jet black inside the house under artificial lighting, but if situated so as to be struck with natural sunlight or a quartz lamp it displays its green and mottled mineral composition. The carving is as soft as silk and makes a spectacular center piece to accent any room or office.
Coquihalla Jade Bear (Serpentine) in the sitting position.
Dimensions 9 x 9 x 8 inches, weight 28 lbs.
Suggested Retail Price $1700.00
This beautiful bear is surprisingly heavy or maybe it is just that it looks so soft and cuddly that when you pick it up, it catches you off guard with its actual weight. The sculpture has been carved from a river boulder that was collected near Hope, British Columbia and now that it has undergone its transformation depending on the light or room conditions it looks almost jet black inside the house under artificial lighting, but if situated so as to be struck with natural sunlight or a quartz lamp it displays its green and mottled mineral composition. The carving is as soft as silk and makes a spectacular center piece to accent any room or office.

Yannick Bear Coquihalla Jade (Serpentine) Item # 187
Dimensions14.25 x 6.5 x 6.25 inches, weight 27.4 lbs.
Suggested Retail Price $5200.00
This Bear started with the collection of a mountainside boulder, years of planning and then the careful removal of stock with diamond saw blades, chipping with a a hammer and chisel, then diamond grinding with a variety of tools as the bear slowly emerged from the stone. Once the rough shape was obtained, hours of filing, sanding and water polishing resulted in a magnificent sculpture.